The Steer Incorporated Crop Farming partnership program is designed for farmers growing crops to support mission and outreach work in a more tax efficient way.

If you are a farmer, owner of an orchard or market gardener you can choose to lease a portion of your farm to Steer Incorporated for a peppercorn rent, usually $1 per year.

A crop is then grown on the land you’ve leased to us under a share farm agreement. After the sale of the crop, your share of the proceeds covers your costs as farmer. Steer’s share of the proceeds is distributed to missions.

Where necessary, Steer is registered as a grower with the National Grower Register.

As farmer you can choose to nominate which mission organisations will receive the income earned from Steer’s share of the crop after it is distributed. This program can be applied to any crop whether wheat, barley, small seeds, cotton, fruit and vegetables, or flowers.

Because Steer Incorporated is a tax exempt charity, income earned by us is distributed to missions and outreach both in Australia and overseas.


If you’re looking for a tax efficient way to support mission and outreach work with your funds, Steer Incorporated’s Steer 31 Account is worth considering.

Find out more.

The Steer Family and Discretionary Trust program is designed for people with trusts who wish to support mission and outreach with a minimum of effort.

Find out more.

The Steer Rental Property program is designed for the owners of rental properties to support mission and outreach work in a more tax efficient way.

Find out more.

The Steer Livestock program is designed for farmers involved in breeding livestock and dairy to support mission and outreach work in a more tax efficient way.

Find out more.

Making a bequest to Steer is a great way to continue your life’s passions. A good way to think about it is as a fund that keeps giving long after your gone.

Find out more.